Commercial and Consumer Solutions using E-Paper.
Possibilities of a Paperless Future...
Commercial and Consumer Solutions using E-Paper.
Possibilities of a Paperless Future...
Possibilities of a Paperless Future...
Possibilities of a Paperless Future...
The Fenoto story started in 2016 when Adam McDaniel felt the need to replace his use of paper calendars to manage his active family members schedules.
From this need the Caliper(Calendar) application was born and the original working prototype was created.
When Adam and Chuck Bean met in the summer of 2018, they realized there were ma
The Fenoto story started in 2016 when Adam McDaniel felt the need to replace his use of paper calendars to manage his active family members schedules.
From this need the Caliper(Calendar) application was born and the original working prototype was created.
When Adam and Chuck Bean met in the summer of 2018, they realized there were many more applications available and moved forward to build more advanced MVP that included proprietary technology.
In late spring 2019 a preliminary patent was filed to secure a new hardware configuration that is unique, novel and a significant technical advancement.
In May 2019 we introduced the two Fenoto products at Collision Toronto with fantastic results.
January 2020 started with us showcasing our latest version at the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas... once again a great success.
Schedules are everywhere and as a result many people today have multiple personas. A 2018 study shows that 70% of people today rely on some sort of electronic device as a calendar.
Our e-paper calendar (named CALIPER) display system merges multiple user electronic calendars, from almost every known operating system into one central disp
Schedules are everywhere and as a result many people today have multiple personas. A 2018 study shows that 70% of people today rely on some sort of electronic device as a calendar.
Our e-paper calendar (named CALIPER) display system merges multiple user electronic calendars, from almost every known operating system into one central display.
The primary value proposition of this system is the replacement of paper, whiteboard and other legacy uses.
Applications include:
i. At home consumers for family calendar management
ii. Workplace shift or worker use calendars
iii. Eldercare, care homes and nursing care calendars
Caliper will be packaged and sold via retail stores, online shops, direct to users and commercial distributors.
POP-POSTER is an electronic static display system for informational and advertising AKA Out-of-home(OOH) purposes, replacing paper or plastic based single use posters and notices.
Applications include:
i. Single use replaceable poster displays often seen in restrooms, vestibules and other public areas for advertising or notices
ii. Table m
POP-POSTER is an electronic static display system for informational and advertising AKA Out-of-home(OOH) purposes, replacing paper or plastic based single use posters and notices.
Applications include:
i. Single use replaceable poster displays often seen in restrooms, vestibules and other public areas for advertising or notices
ii. Table menus in restaurants and public gathering areas
iii. Menu or display boards in food service establishments that require periodic (daily to hourly) changes
iv. POP-POSTER can be integrated with established content management systems using an API, allowing for automated display of programmatic content from third-party programs
POP-POSTER can also be placed inside moving vehicles and act as a display system with GPS triggered advertising. In this case, display systems can be installed so that advertising can be displayed based on a geo-position.
The CALIPER and POP-POSTER systems work identically but produce different outputs.
First, each system is comprised of a e-paper device, with our patent pending electronic architecture and either a native calendar or printer app on a PC, android or iOS device.
Cloud infrastructure amalgamates and renders chosen events and/or display items. and a provisional patent has been filed to protect or IP that greatly extends battery life.
The device wakes up on a predetermined timeline, downloads the changes and goes back to sleep. Energy is only used to accept changes and is not used to power the device while asleep, thus giving unprecedented battery life.
CALIPER will engage with all third-party calendar platforms including Google Calendar, Office 365, Apple ICloud, Yahoo, Atlassian Confluence, TeamSnap, Facebook Events and any ICal or CAlDAV online service. CALIPER will also be accessible through Alexa and Hey Google.
POP-POSTER is like a printer. A print app on any device (desktop, laptop, tablet or phone) will allow a user to send any image, meme, graphic, text or single page to print and render the image onto the POP-POSTER device. The image will be transitioned in about the same time as it takes for a office printer to wake up and print a page... or about 30 seconds.
In the case of CALIPER with an hourly upgrade schedule, battery charging will be at approximately 80 day intervals.
In the case of POP-POSTER with a daily or longer refresh, battery charging can extend past 800 days. We are currently working on a infinitely charged version.
CALIPER is a constant source of information. CALIPER can be place on a fridge, counter or wall and be updated remotely with reminders, events and visits from families, care givers and anyone given access.
Caliper can also display daily menus, activities and more.
No hard wiring required and with an hourly re-fresh, 80 days of battery life is available before a recharge. Wit h a daily refresh well over 300 days of battery life is possible.
POP-POSTER can replace static OOH advertising placed anywhere. There is no hard wiring required and all updates are done remotely either individually or to as many as 20,000 locations at once.
No printing, no installing, no disposal and no having to enter potentially risky areas. Can be updated hourly, daily weekly or monthly. Weekly updates will give 500 - 900 days of battery life. Solar cell technology can extend battery life in perpetuity.
Depending on the required application, POP-POSTER can be provided in Black and White, Grey Scale, 3 Color or Full Color.
The technology is continuously improving with sizes up to 32 inch diagonal currently available.
Cellular and Wifi are both available.
CALIPER centralized activities. Each family or team member can quickly update and view information for easy scheduling. For the workplace, CALIPER can be used to keep track of shift schedules and personnel requirements. No paper, no sharpie and no white-out!
POP-POSTER can be utilized anywhere and for any announcements, daily menus, upcoming events, notices and more. It can be placed outdoors, indoors and/or in moving applications such as taxis, buses, rail or airliners.
E-Paper is a very thin membrane that receives a signal, displays the signal and then goes to sleep with the image displayed, essentially indefinitely.
Our patent pending technology greatly extends the battery life and allows for a simple yet effective image transition.
Call Chuck at +1-403-703-9525
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